Code 44 : Gudang siap pakai di Kediri – Lombok Barat

Luas tanah 6.800 m2
Lokasi sangat strategis di pinggir jalan raya Kediri.
Sertifikat Hak Milik.
Dijual cepat dengan Harga Rp 4.5 Milyar

Code 184 : 3 bedrooms villa with private pool located in Gili Trawangan

-Land size 500 m2.
-Frehold certificat tittle.
-Consists of 3 bedrooms + 4 Bathrooms.
– Gated Entrance from the road
– Bedrooms: 3
– Bathrooms: 4
– Views: Private Garden surrounded by Kelapa Trees
– Year Build – approx 8-9 years ago
– It has Swimming Pool, Kitchen, Dining Room, Furniture, Air-Con, Parking Area with roof, Fresh Water connection.
– Approximately 300 meter from the beach.

– Sale Price is USD $250,000

Code 183 : Beachfront Villa in Gili Trawangan

Land size 3,100 m2.
Consists of 1 private villa and 3 guest houses
View sunset.
Price IDR 13.5 Billion
Approximately 979,924

COde 109 : Ruko di Kekalik dekat Universitas Mataram

2 unit ruko ukuran 4×10 meter per unit
Luas tanah 95 m2.
Cocok untuk berbagai jenis usaha perdagangan, restaurant, kantor, dll.
Lokasi strategis di tengah kota Mataram
Berjarak hanya sekitar 100 meter dari kampus Unram.
Harga Rp 2 Milyar (nego)

Code 70 : High potential land ideal for Hotel and villa in famous Gili Trawangan – Lombok island.

Land size 1,556 m2.
Strategic location next to Villa Kelapa.
Surounded by several villas and restaurants.
Only 300 meters from the nearest beach on the west coast of sunset point.
Easy accesible road.
available to buy up to 3.000 m2
Water and electricity installation ready on site.
Green vegetation area full of tropical coconut trees.
Freehold certificate title.

Price IDR 1,350,000/sqm
Total price IDR 2.1 Billion
Approximately USD 152,525

Code 262 : Tanah di Babakan dekat Rumah sakit Provinsi

Luas tanah 4.000 m2 (40 are)
Sangat cocok untuk Perumahan, Gudang, Ruko dll.
Lokasi strategis di pinggir jalan raya Babakan.
Dekat dengan beberapa Perumahan besar.

Harga Rp 2,5 juta/m2 atau 250 Juta/are

Code 180 : Dijual city Hotel di pusat kota Mataram

Luas tanah 2.670 m2
Terdiri dari 58 kamar tidur ensuite.
Dilengkapi dengan 1 resto, lobby, office.
Lokasi strategis dekat dari Taman Sangkareang.
Dekat dari kantor Gubernur dan pusat Pemerintahan.
Harga Rp 16 Milyar.