Code 659 : Rumah siap huni di kompleks perumahan jalan Lingkar

RMTR-C659 (1)

Luas tanah 141 m2
Luas bangunan 70 m2
One gate security
include furniture
Lokasi perumahan di pinggir jalan raya Lingkar
kompleks aman dan nyaman
Listrik dan air tersedia
Harga Rp 700 Juta

Code 227 : Tanah di Lembar cocok untuk kebun atau rumah tinggal

LMTR_C227 (1)

Luas tanah 680 m2 (6.8 are)
Jalan masuk sudah aspal
Sekitar 200 meter dari jalan raya Lembar
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Bentuk tanah persegi
Harga total Rp 170 juta

Code 658 : Rumah di Kompleks perumahan Pagesangan

RMTR-C658 (1)

Luas tanah 114 m2
2 kamar tidur
2 kamar mandi
Sudah ada dak untuk lantai 2
Ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, dapur
Ada sumur bor dan PAM
Listrik 1300 Kwh
Harga Rp 400 juta

Ccode 112 : Hill Land in Tampah/Lancing Near Kute

LKUT-C112 (1)Land size 14.600 m2
Ideal for Hotel and Villas
Certificate freehold

Infrastructure :
The land is sloping and there is a permit to build an access road to access the land.
Sloping, but relatively easy to build on since part is flat and most land is gently sloping.
Soil consists of rocks and soil, plenty of trees and other plants.
Water is available by drilling.
Electricity is connected to Tampah.
Cellphone and mobile data is available in the area.

Price IDR 200.000/m2

Code 82 : Beachfront land in Serewe – East Lombok


Land size 5.800 m2
Beach width 26 meters
Ideal for hotel and resort

Infrastructure :
The land has public road access.
The land is flat and easily buildable.
Water is available by drilling.
Electricity is connected to Sereweh and passes by the land next to the road.
Cellphone, mobile data and possibly also public water is available in the area.
Certificate freehold

Price IDR 500.000/m2

Code 111 : Land Plot The Hill in Kute

LKUT-C111 (1)

Land size 817 m2
View ocean
Easy road access
Water and electricity ready on site
Certificate freehold
Price IDR 700.000/m2

Code 657: Rumah di Jual Lokasi di Pagutan

RMTR-C657 (1)

Luas tanah: 127 m2
Kamar tidur: 3
Kamar mandi: 2
Lantai 2
Ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, garasi, dll
Harga Rp 650 juta